Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2019


but I'd go there anyway, and it is just twenty minutes by bus, and then I hear this new electronic voice saying "Nächste Haltestelle: Ansgar. Kirche!", which sounds almost as hilarious as "REHwe ZENNtruwah!", making me wonder whether they used an electronically generated voice, keeping me wondering why it is that they chose a female voice, which reminds me that on the S-Bahn in Berlin the voice is male; nonetheless the more puzzling question remains since when there's been an "Ansgarkirche" bus stop in Kiel, oh right, the "Fahrplanumstellung" last Sunday... finally KVG is trying to keep up with present day demands, sending a bus every half hour on Sunday mornings, which, I think, is still not enough to transport forty million students a day, plus seven million unemployed teachers who managed to finish their studies at university, and maybe they even did their teacher's training, but they want a job in or near Kiel, which is close to impossible to get, and by experience it takes a few years to realize that before you finally settle for a school on Pellworm, a place where trucks get stuck under bridges, no joke, though it sounds like one from Pynchon, which makes me think of literature which makes me think of Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events" that has been available on Netflix, being rated favorably and containing countless allusions to literary works, for example in the names of siblings that might be called Duncan and Isadora (hello Isadora Duncan?) oder Beverly and Elliott (hello Mantle-twins from Cronenberg's "Dead Ringers"?), and it might not be a coincidence that there is a Prufrock Preparatory School, reminding me of "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock", and then I realize that I've learned quite a lot about literature at university, and that is the reason why I chuckle at different scenes than a child would. Than He would, as a matter of fact, reminiscing the times we sat together and watched a movie, both excited at the thought of what the evening would bring, times that He decided to leave behind, which might be a good idea if only there was a future together, but I realize that I don't have time for this right now because I have to clean the apartment for Die große Buba this weekend, and I will have to make the door wider so that she fits through, seeing that we haven't seen each other for an eternity and she will be one hundred and seventy-three pounds heavier than last time, just like I am one hundred and seventy-three years older now, but I will never "Hardenbergstraße!", that's my destination, I have to get off the bus to the store where a sandwich costs seven ninety-five, much too expensive, but

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